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Best Practices


Best Practices of any institutions are the innovative practices, policy, strategy, program, process or practice that solves a problem or create new opportunities and positively impact on organizations. Institutional excellence is the aggregate of the best practices followed in different areas of institutional activities. The Best Practices of the College Library are listed below;


1. Webliography


​The Webliography is a list of electronic documents, websites, or other resources available on the World Wide Web. This particular Webliography is prepared on the New Syllabus of B.Ed. Curriculum. The Semester wise Webliography is prepared to help students in finding their required information on the website. This Webliography helps the students and faculty to spend less time in searching the information on the web.



2. Best Library User Award 


Criteria for Selection of User - Best on the student's punctuality, performance and conduct will using and reading the library resources other than the text books throughout the year, the selection of Best Library User has been selected every year. This is to motive the students for reading various books from the library and to provide them to build their thesaurus to became more knowledgeable and extra ordinary teacher once he/she joins the school/junior college.  

Ms. Sonia Mullick (2015-17)
Ms. Priyanka Dewelkar
Marathi Medium (2013-14)
Mr. Kuntal Panchal
English Medium (2014-15)
Ms. Ritu Jetly
English Medium (2012-13)
Ms. Ashwini Salunkhe
Marathi Medium (2014-15)
Mr. Vinayak Shigvan
Marathi Medium (2012-13)
Ms. Komal Soares 
English Medium (2013-14)

3. Bibliographical Compilation


Library maintains the Bibliographical Compilation of the previous journals. The users can search the specific topic of their interest from the compilation and access the particular issue of the journal.

4. Departmental Library


College has the Departmental Library for Science and Geography Subjects. All the reference books of those subjects are placed in the method rooms. From there the students refers those books while preparing the practice teaching lessons

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